5 Reasons You Should Drink Organic Coffee – West Berkshire Roastery
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Organic Coffee Organic Coffee

5 Reasons You Should Drink Organic Coffee

What is Organic Coffee?
Organic coffee is grown without the use of pesticides, herbicides or fungicides. It's also not genetically modified and uses organic fertilizers to grow the beans.
Organic coffee is beneficial to your health because it contains fewer chemicals than regular coffee, so you can enjoy a cup without worrying about what you're putting into your body.
If you're interested in buying organic coffee - check out our flagship Organic Peruvian coffee beans here.

Health Benefits of Organic Coffee
Organic coffee is a great choice for your health. It's packed with antioxidants, which are linked to reduced risk of certain diseases and improved digestion.
Organic coffee has been shown to have higher levels of antioxidants than non-organic coffee. Antioxidants help prevent cell damage by neutralizing free radicals in the body that can lead to cancer, heart disease and other illnesses. In addition to being rich in antioxidants, organic coffee also contains less caffeine than conventional brands because it doesn't contain any pesticides or herbicides used on conventional crops--and these chemicals have been shown to increase the amount of caffeine absorbed into your bloodstream when you drink them!

Environmental Benefits of Organic Coffee
Organic coffee is grown using sustainable farming practices. This means that the plants are not exposed to harmful chemicals and pesticides, which can harm both humans and the environment. Organic coffee is also better for the soil, as it doesn't contain any artificial fertilizers or additives that would otherwise be harmful to the environment.

Social Benefits of Organic Coffee

  • Supporting local economies
  • Improving living conditions. Organic coffee is not only better for you, it's also good for the environment and the people who grow it. In fact, many organic farmers are paid fair wages and work in better conditions than their conventional counterparts.

Taste Benefits of Organic Coffee

  • Smooth
  • Rich flavor
  • No artificial additives
  • Complex aromas and flavours

Organic Coffee Brewing Tips
Grind size:
-The proper grind size is key to brewing a good cup of coffee. If you use too fine of a grind, the water will pass through too quickly and not extract all the flavour from your beans. Conversely, if you use too coarse of a grind, then there will be too much surface area exposed and it will take longer for all those flavorful oils to be released into your cup! So what's the secret? Well...it depends on what kind of machine or method you're using! For example:

French press - The ideal particle size for this method should be around 3mm (or about 1/8 inch). This ensures that extraction happens quickly without any bitterness or astringency being extracted into your brew.* Pour over - A medium-coarse grind works best here because it allows water flow through quickly while still retaining some oil content within each bean.* Automatic drip brewer - A medium-fine grind will allow water flow through at just enough speed so as not to burn any beans while still retaining enough oil content within each bean.*

Espresso machine - You'll want something closer towards fine than coarse here; somewhere around 7 grams per liter would work well for most espresso machines
Organic Coffee Storage Tips
Store in an airtight container.
Keep away from heat and light.
Use within two weeks of roasting, as the flavor will begin to fade over time.
Organic Coffee Alternatives
There are many organic coffee alternatives to choose from, including:

Cold brew coffee
Decaffeinated coffee
Instant coffee

Organic coffee is a healthier, more sustainable and delicious choice. So why not give it a go today? 

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