What is the SCA (speciality coffee association) Score in Coffee? – West Berkshire Roastery
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What is the SCA (speciality coffee association) Score in Coffee?

What is the SCA Score in Coffee?

The SCA (Specialty Coffee Association) score is a rating system used to determine the quality of coffee.

The score is based on a 100-point scale and is judged by SCA certified Q graders who perform a process called cupping. Cupping is a process in which coffee professionals evaluate the coffee by sniffing the dry coffee grounds, then wet, and subsequently tasting the coffee.

The SCA score is determined by evaluating ten different sections of the coffee, including fragrance/aroma, flavor, aftertaste, acidity, body, balance, uniformity, cleanliness, sweetness, and overall impression.

Coffees that score 80 or above are considered to be of high quality specialty grade.

Specialty grade coffee is typically grown in ideal climates, at high altitudes, and is carefully harvested and processed to preserve the unique flavors and characteristics of the coffee.

Specialty coffee is also produced using sustainable and ethical practices that promote fair trade and environmental responsibility. In contrast to commodity coffee, which is often grown in large quantities with little regard for quality, specialty coffee is a niche product that is highly sought after by coffee enthusiasts and connoisseurs. Specialty grade coffee is typically more expensive than commodity coffee, but it is worth the price for those who appreciate a high-quality, flavourful cup of coffee.

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