5 Quick Ways To Increase Coffee Sales – West Berkshire Roastery Skip to content

5 Quick Ways To Increase Coffee Sales

When running your own business, we all know too well about spending time working on our business, instead of in it. Here we have outlined 5 quick ways to increase coffee and hot drinks sales in your cafe, bar, restaurant, hotel or pub!
1) Offer customer loyalty. This can be simply via a loyalty stamp card , order on www.vistaprint.co.uk or can you find apps that link to your POS and reward customers with points electronically. Customers love the reward card and feel free to add an extra stamp now and then. 2) Link your hot drink sales with food items. Think of "Coffee & Croissant" or "Coffee & Bacon Roll" deals (add veggie options here too). Perfect way to upsell whilst giving your customers great value!
3) Build a subscriber list via emails, send emails out to your customers reminding them of monthly or weekly deals. Link this to your reward scheme such as "2 Stamp Tuesday". Don't forgot to post this on social media as well.
4) Goes without saying, but make sure you have great coffee! Customers won't always tell you or comment on the coffee, they may simply not return. Consider using a survey (with a reward for filling it in). Not sure on your current brand of coffee? Order a FREE sample from us, just email hello@runnerbeancoffee.co.uk
5) Allow customers to customise their coffee or hot drink, if you don't already add a GO LARGE option. Consider adding syrups to the menu, chocolate sprinkles, marsh mellows, chocolate curls and whipped cream!We hope we having giving you some tips and if you require any further advice or indeed have any tips for us, you are very welcome to drop us an email or contact us. Remember to reward your customers and always give them value for money.
Happy Coffee Making and Here's to a Fantastic 2020!
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